
Sustainability Victoria Quiz

Sustainability Victoria

Small Acts Big Impact Quiz. We worked with Sustainability Victoria to produce a custom quiz experience that helps Victorians commit to new recycling behaviours that suit their individual lifestyle needs.

The brief

Sustainability Victoria wanted to help Victorians understand how making changes to their recycling habits could have a positive impact on the environment. Tundra was engaged to design and build a quiz that would help Victorians find and commit to a new recycling behaviour that suited their lifestyle.

What we did

Understanding behavioural commitment theory

Sustainability Victoria is dedicated to understanding how Victorians can be encouraged to engage with and take up environmentally-friendly practices. Research indicates that people are more likely to sustain long-term behaviour changes if they are put in a situation where they a) are able to choose between a number of potential behaviours, and b) are asked to make a commitment to sustaining that behaviour. With this in mind, Sustainability Victoria wanted to create a tool that would help Victorians understand the impacts of different recycling behaviours, and commit to integrating one of these into their own lives.

How we did it

Designing the interactive quiz

A quiz model was developed to help Victorians find recycling behaviours that suit them. The quiz asked users questions about their current food waste and recycling habits, and used these answers to present a number of new habits they could introduce to improve their environmental impact.

A user’s answers would be scored against a set of eleven behaviours, with the top three scores determining which behaviours would be presented in the user’s results. Each behaviour also had an impact rating, so that in the event of a tie, one behaviour would win out over another.

This logic was built flexibly to allow Sustainability Victoria to adjust the impact values of each behaviour over time as conditions change or more research becomes available. The quiz is also content manageable, so that all parts of the tool can be changed and updated as needed. This gives the quiz longevity, and helps Sustainability Victoria continue providing accurate and timely information to the public.

Creating a seamless digital identity for the quiz

As this quiz would form part of a larger campaign, Sustainability Victoria had created a distinct series of brand assets that the tool needed to utilise. We worked to blend these assets with Sustainability Victoria’s existing digital brand guidelines to ensure a seamless experience for users visiting the Sustainability Victoria website.

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