
Grill'd Nutrition Page


Nutrition Page. We worked with Grill’d to redesign the Nutrition page of their website — enabling them to highlight the dietary customisations available in the Grill’d menu and more easily keep the page up-to-date with fresh campaign content.

The brief

Delivering on the promise of healthy and tasty burgers, Grill’d recognised that there is no one way to be healthy. We partnered with Grill’d to speak to all kinds of diet tribes – from keto to vegan – and show them what Grill’d has to offer.

What we did

Designing alongside the internal team at Grill’d, who were in the process of creating their seasonal campaign, allowed us to collaborate closely and work with content customised to our designs. Our development team then brought these designs to life, working with the creative team to add the flourishes and interactions that would make the page engaging and easy to use.

How we did it

Our main task for the project was to create a landing page to deconstruct the Grill’d process. By showcasing the ingredients Grill’d uses and how they are sourced and prepared, we were able to demonstrate the way that health and sustainability is baked into the Grill’d business.

Highlighting each of these ingredients in detail also allowed us to show off the menu flexibility Grill’d offers. Photos of each menu option were annotated to make it clear which menu substitutions have been made, and give the user a clearer picture of what their final order will look like.

With our knowledge of Grill’d site visitor behaviour and analytics, we took a mobile-first approach to UX and design, opting for a scrolling layout that encourages exploration. We also worked with Grill’d to modernise their brand elements, using youthful imagery and bold colours to capture and hold attention.

We opted for strong, crisp typography that makes a statement and helps drive home the core campaign messages of quality and transparency. To give the campaign added personality, we introduced sketch-like, scribbled annotations to the product imagery, which helps the page feel personal and informal.

The result is a fun yet informative campaign page that provides users with greater insight into the behind-the-scenes food production process, whilst still remaining true to the Grill’d brand persona.


Any visitor to the Nutrition page – whether they’re Paleo, low FODMAP, or Gluten Free – can easily explore the menu options available to them. Without cheese or without meat, a gluten‐free bun or no bun at all, Grill’d can make any burger for you.

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